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Messages 121 to 130 of 316 (Total: 316) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: Starting my BTZS tests 
Phil Davis  18:36 6 Feb 06 
Skype contacts. 
Steve Nicholls  16:49 3 Feb 06 
Densitometer purchase 
Fred Braakman  11:51 26 Dec 05 
Re: Densitometer purchase 
Jorge Gasteazoro  13:18 26 Dec 05 
Re: Densitometer purchase 
Phil Davis  8:16 27 Dec 05 
Re: Densitometer purchase 
Fred Braakman  10:04 27 Dec 05 
clearing dye in development tubes 
Jerry Cunningham  10:33 17 Dec 05 
This is not a question but I thought I would share something that works for me. I develop 8x10 negatives in an expert drum 3005. Since the film is tight against the tube it is not easy to get the dye to clear. Hence, I bought some plastic fly screen and cut it to match the 8x10 negative. Place the screen on the base side. It is easy to keep the screen and film in proper alignment. This screen allows the development fluid to get to the back of the negative. This method has worked very well for me. The sheets clear like a charm. I am sure other people have used similiar ideas but there seems to be some who fight the dye. Try the plastic fly screen and your problems should be over.
Re: clearing dye in development tubes 
Jorge Gasteazoro  22:17 17 Dec 05 
Re: clearing dye in development tubes 
Jerry Cunningham  22:48 17 Dec 05 
Beginner Sensitometry 
Jerry Cunningham  14:03 13 Dec 05 >> Forums home page
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