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Messages 121 to 130 of 316 (Total: 316) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: Starting my BTZS tests 
Phil Davis  18:36 6 Feb 06 
Skype contacts. 
Steve Nicholls  16:49 3 Feb 06 
Densitometer purchase 
Fred Braakman  11:51 26 Dec 05 
I am new to the BTZS method, having read Phil's book and watched his video recently. I have done some study on VC paper development as well, and have recently purchased an enlarger. I do not yet own a densitometer, but I am considering buying one.
Not having a densitometer, I sent away for the film test that Fred Newman's View Camera store offers. After I get the results back from VC store, I will plug the data into the Plotter program, and ownload it to my handheld containing the ExpoDev software.
My question is, do I really need a densitometer? I read in Steve Anchell's book on "Variable Contrast Printing Manual", that tests on paper can be done visually with a reliable degree of accuracy, since as he puts it "densitometers are able to read subtle shades of black and white that the human eye is incapable of discerning".
However, with the BTZS system, it is important to know the paper speed of the paper that one uses. So I still think that a densitometer is valuable for this purpose. Correct me if I am wrong.
With all that said, I have come across the Heiland densitometer, which is decently priced, about $900 US. I don't really trust buying a used one off of EBAY, since I am not totally familiar with their use. Can anyone recommend this brand, or should I look at a different one?
What about the one that Phil uses in his video? Is it available still?

Re: Densitometer purchase 
Jorge Gasteazoro  13:18 26 Dec 05 
Re: Densitometer purchase 
Phil Davis  8:16 27 Dec 05 
Re: Densitometer purchase 
Fred Braakman  10:04 27 Dec 05 
clearing dye in development tubes 
Jerry Cunningham  10:33 17 Dec 05 
Re: clearing dye in development tubes 
Jorge Gasteazoro  22:17 17 Dec 05 
Re: clearing dye in development tubes 
Jerry Cunningham  22:48 17 Dec 05 
Beginner Sensitometry 
Jerry Cunningham  14:03 13 Dec 05 >> Forums home page
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