 | Author |  |
 | Date |  |
Jorge |
4:02 27 Sep 06 |
Miles |
16:27 27 Sep 06 |
Phil Davis |
17:24 27 Sep 06 |
Miles |
19:43 27 Sep 06 |
hermit |
19:38 3 Sep 06 |
hermit |
8:44 9 Sep 06 |
hermit |
17:32 22 Sep 06 |
Steve Nicholls |
18:10 2 Sep 06 |
I will be flying to California for a month and staying with a good friend on Tuesday the 5th of September so i have been checking and rechecking all the materials I have and will take with me.
My film and developer choice for the trip is Efke 100 in D76 1+1 which gives me wonderful results. Film choices here in Australia are very limited so i jumped at the chance to try a new [to me] cheap 5x4 film. My friend sent me a box of Arista Edu Ultra which most people say is Foma 200. Due to the light contrast here in Australia I like to have an SBR on the 4 minute development coupled with my paper ES [1.10] of about 10.
The first problem i encountered with this particular film was the fact that following manufacturers dilution recommendations built a very short 4 minute SBR at a very steep G.
Looking at Phil's test files I settled on aiming for about a .8 difference between BF and the most dense wedge on the 4 minute step wedge. It took me 2 test sheets at 4 minutes to get the modified dilution correct and this gave me a 4 minute G of about .39
I was concerned that the dilution would impact on the development of the 11 and 16 minute times but even at a far greater than normal dilution the maximum density was still well over 2.0
I have had "zone" friends tell me this film is impossible to control with highlight density but I have found it no more so than any other. Using BTZS of course 
I would guess that this film might work well for Alternative processes because it can build amazing density.
I used Acufine as the developer and diluted it 1+2.25 at 20c [by my thermometer] I also conducted the same test with D76 @ 1+3.5 21C
Acufine is normally used straight but I have found it gives very nice results when diluted. And it is very economical.
What has been great value from this exercise is the ability to step outside the limitations of "conventional" methods to acheive excellent results. I cannot see how a standard approach to this film [based on varied light conditions and exposure and straight single blanket development time] could yeild quality results.
With the ExpoDev even if this film races off like a startled gazelle all the variables are beautifully controlled. Then as required a specific development time for that light condition is applied.
It is probably not by the standards of a few years ago - an excellent film -- but with BTZS I have extracted close to the full potential from it.
Thanks Phil.
Phil Davis |
8:24 3 Sep 06 |
Miles |
8:06 2 Sep 06 |