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Messages 201 to 210 of 316 (Total: 316) First | Prev | Next | Last
HP 3200 
Maurice Sherif  11:54 8 Jun 04 
unsharp masking 
David B. Mark  20:50 29 May 04 
Are any BTZS'ers using unsharp masks to print any or all of their negatives? I know that Howard Bond is an enthusiastic proponent of this technique, but in the magazine reproductions of his work I confess I cannot see qualities that other fine printers have not been able to achieve without masking techniques.

What are the special benefits of this technique said to be? Does unsharp masking allow one to impart some special quality of clarity or sharpness to a print that cannot be achieved in any other way? If so, why?
Re: unsharp masking 
Larry Francis  6:05 30 May 04 
Re: unsharp masking 
David B. Mark  12:08 30 May 04 
Re: unsharp masking 
Jeff White  13:37 30 May 04 
Re: unsharp masking 
howard schwartz  15:02 30 May 04 
Re: unsharp masking 
David B. Mark  21:01 30 May 04 
Re: unsharp masking 
Phil Davis  7:01 31 May 04 
Re: unsharp masking 
David B. Mark  19:06 31 May 04 
Re: unsharp masking 
David Poinsett  1:41 27 Jun 04 >> Forums home page
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