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film and paper testing 
Mitch Morrow  11:51 5 Jun 06 
Re: film and paper testing 
Phil Davis  17:06 5 Jun 06 
Re: film and paper testing 
Mitch Morrow  13:36 6 Jun 06 
Thinking of giving BTZS a try need help 
Kevin Saitta  3:08 5 Jun 06 
Re: Thinking of giving BTZS a try need help 
Phil Davis  16:22 5 Jun 06 
Arista Edu Ultra Paper test 
Steve Nicholls  18:33 26 May 06 
I recently received 2 boxes of Arista Edu Ultra paper from a friend in America and ran paper tests last night to determine the contrast range of the paper.

After my September '05 trip to Yosemite I began using the full BTZS system and the figures I have here are derived from projected step wedge paper tests through the light source of my De Vere 504 using the dial in filtration provided by the head. The tests allow me to tailor the negs I produce accurately to the characteristics of the paper. So far Efke is a nice match.

All tests were read into the Win Plotter software and approximate contrast grades provided. Thanks to Phil Davis for an amazing system.

I didn't bother with finding half grades as such but set out to locate a useful range.

I had read reports from people that the paper was not able to achieve much above grade 3.5.

I use Ilford Bromophen developer 1:3 @ 20c
Stop bath and Fixer.

The tone of the paper is neutral to very slightly warm [not very much] I have used Agfa for many years and to my eye this paper is not as warm as the Agfa classic paper.

I would say the paper has inbuilt developers as the image jumps into view very quickly for FB and then basically sits in the developer for the remainder of the time improving in very subtle ways.

I used a development time of 90 seconds. Longer didn't seem to offer any real advantage that I could see in a real print.

100y = Grade 0
40m = Grade 1
80m = Grade 2
120m = Grade 3
160m = Grade 4
200m [max on the head] = Grade 5
No filter is grade 1

The base tone of the paper is quite white and I would imagine with the new Ilford cooltone developer it would be a very inky paper.

I hope some of this information is useful if anyone is considering this paper. Some have suggested it is Foma but i cannot comment on that.
Cold light head? 
Steve Nicholls  0:38 17 May 06 
Re: Cold light head? 
Phil Davis  7:38 17 May 06 
Re: Cold light head? 
Steve Nicholls  17:09 17 May 06 
Spot Meter Densitometer Paper Reading 
John Phillips  17:37 7 May 06 >> Forums home page
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