I am about to do some additional BTZS film testing of Delta 100, and perhaps FP4-all 4x5, but will be using 8x10 in the main. I wonder if any here feel that there is enough of a difference between the prints made with either film to prefer one to the other. To clarify, I intend to use the negatives to contact print, and use the new Lodima paper with Michael Smith's amidol developer. I'll match the step wedge to an ES of 1.5, and will use DDX at 1 plus 4 ( suggestion of Ben Wilbur on this thread ) in order to get shorter developing times then those obtained with DDX at 1 plus 9. Fred has suggested using the 1 plus 9 for more contrasty scenes, and the 1 plus 4 for SBR below 9.
But I stray from the main point: Any reason to use or prefer one or the other film mentioned? Hard to get really straight answers from APUG and elsewhere.
Elliot |