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Messages 151 to 160 of 653 (Total: 653) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: JandC 400 
Jorge Gasteazoro.   18:46 13 Jan 07 
Re: JandC 400 
Miles  5:19 14 Jan 07 
Quantity of light to expose the film 
Philippe du Busquiel  1:28 8 Jan 07 
Re: Quantity of light to expose the film 
Miles  11:06 8 Jan 07 
Re: Quantity of light to expose the film 
Steve Nicholls  15:29 8 Jan 07 
If you have the diffusor dome on the lightmeter you will [and this is my experience with a Minolta 4] "appear" not to have enough light to do your tests.

Have you done your own personal sped point test as yet with Delta 100?

When you do the test with this film you will find the light level you need.

[1] remove the dome and place the head of the meter in the middle of the area where the contact frame will be with the cell pointing up at the light source. Adjust the aperture of the enlarger lens to give you an ev of 4. Run your first three sheet test exposed at .5 of a second.

[2] read these sheets into WinPlotter and note where the 100 iso indicator falls. Phil has an excellent article on this website. If the iso indicator is higher than the 2.4 Phil recommends decrease your light value -- if it is lower then 2.4 increase the light from the enlarger. Don't adjust the timer. Remember to measure the light from the exact same position each time.

[3] as an example for my set up using the method I have described with the meter flat on the baseboard my standard reading is 4.3 ev. The actual light reading isn't as important as the actual position of the 100 iso mark. Your light reading can and often will be different to mine or someone else. However having said that -- once you have established a PSP to "lock" your system to anyone can use your data sucessfully.

[4]Thermometer, Exposure meter, water and the way you hold your mouth can minutely affect your light reading for your PSP. The test is to establish the standard settings you need for your system.

[5]When you do your testing make sure that you maintain a very repeatable methodology with temperature - timing - and agitation.

Re: Quantity of light to expose the film 
Philippe du Busquiel  0:48 15 Jan 07 
Densitometer for BW originals 
Philippe dB  4:54 5 Jan 07 
Re: Densitometer for BW originals 
Phil Davis  11:45 5 Jan 07 
Test metering 
Philippe Bedfert  8:04 29 Dec 06 
Re: Test metering 
Miles  16:36 29 Dec 06 >> Forums home page
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