Fred --
It's difficult to judge your test curves without seeing them. Unfortunately I can't any longer run the Plotter (I'm a Mac person) so there's no point in your sending me your film file. But, if you'd like to send me a screen shot of the curve family (JPEG file is fine) I'll try to make some useful comments.
That said, it sounds as though your first test was controlled a little better than the second one. For instance, the missing G value for the 4-min curve is a little strange since only exposure was changed. The speed point shift from 2.5 to 2.4 shouldn't make any significant change in the appearance of the family; its main effect would be to extend the curve toes a bit farther. With some materials combinations that might provide slightly more reliable B+F density values for the longer-developed curves.
If your second family required only minor toe adjustment and the curves are otherwise free from random lumps and erratic spacing, it's probably a valid test and the data should be reliable. If you want a more confident opinion send me a screen shot of the adjusted family and one of the EFS/G chart at . |