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Messages 321 to 330 of 653 (Total: 653) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: BTZS Style Test for B&W Reversal Process 
Phil Davis  14:16 16 Feb 06 
Film test 
Fred Braakman  22:36 13 Feb 06 
TMAX testing 
Fred Braakman  21:50 13 Feb 06 
Re: TMAX testing 
Phil Davis  12:24 14 Feb 06 
Ilford DDX at 1+11 
Edward Sandifer  21:28 12 Feb 06 
Re: Ilford DDX at 1+11 
John Hannon  18:41 13 Feb 06 
Re: Ilford DDX at 1+11 
Phil Davis  12:27 14 Feb 06 
Edward --

I did two articles on the subject of developer dilution in volume 5, issues #3 and #4 of "D-Max," the quarterly newsletter of "Darkroom Innovations," now "The View Camera Store" in Fountain Hills, AZ, PO Box 19450. I did the tests using D-76 with HP5 Plus and TXT, then with Xtol with TMX and Delta 400. I tested dilutions of 1+0 (straight developer), 1+1, 1+2, and 1+4, using the BTZS tubes and extending times as necessary to encompass a useful G range.

Although DD-X was not yet in common use when I did these tests I'll hazard a guess that its 1+11 dilution would fit into this test series somewhere in the middle since its "normal" dilution (1+5 to 1+8) corresponds more or less to D-76 1+1 to 1+2. If you're interested in these test results contact Fred or Dennis at to see whether copies of these two newsletters are still available.

There's no doubt that dilution affects development and there comes a point at which increasing dilution impairs development significantly. I didn't reach that point in these tests although in some cases it took a lot longer to produce a satisfactory curve family than you'd normally care to spend spinning tubes. I can't answer your question about a specific dilution limit but I've produced printable negatives on TMY with DD-X+14. I'd suggest using Expo/Dev's recommendations with your Efke film and if you get good negatives with reasonable development times don't worry about the dilution.

Film test 
Fred Braakman  10:31 12 Feb 06 
Re: Film test 
Phil Davis  17:26 12 Feb 06 
TMX and Xtol 1:1 testing 
Louie Pasto  19:28 11 Feb 06 >> Forums home page
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