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Initial tests 
Steve Nicholls  18:59 29 Nov 05 
I have battled with "correct" exposure for years. And recently I purchased a very nice densitometer on ebay and a followed that with a copy of Phil Davis' book Beyond the Zone System.
I imagine I was no different to most people in my first reaction to the apparent complexity of the system and took sometime to start to digest the methodolgy involved. I have tried to use the zone system for years and for me it hasn't provided the information I required - consistently.
I explored the BTZS forum and absorbed as much material as I could but failed to comprehend a couple of points. After a couple of private emails from Phil I felt more than confident to at least takle the paper testing. This proved to be an eye opener as I use a D2 with condensor head and the step wedge test immediately identified paper characterists I felt I knew but was not fully aware of. The contrast curves of the paper were much steeper than I expected.

I was apprehensive about exposing film under an enlarger but it turned out to be almost a complete no brainer. The most difficult part was establishing a standard exposure and this took 2 sheets. At the end of the day I had all my step wedges exposed and processed and read by my densitometer. I'm still at the plot on paper stage but I imagine that also will change in the near future.

The big test was a sheet of real film under real photographic condition and I'm happy to say I'm very pleased. Considering I have no prior experience with this type of testing I achieved more useful information than I have even done in the past. I have a small laminated chat of SBR's and Development times and that seems to work quite well. I love the fact I can use the incident meter as part of the system.

It has taken me a little while for the lights to come on with a basic understanding of BTZS but the learning curve is not really as steep as I first though.

Thanks Phil for your knowledge and desire to share it.

Steve Nicholls

Adelaide Australia
is this test underexposed? 
Shannon Stoney  9:22 29 Nov 05 
Re: is this test underexposed? 
Jorge Gasteazoro  14:51 30 Nov 05 
Re: is this test underexposed? 
Shannon Stoney  6:08 1 Dec 05 
Re: is this test underexposed? 
Jorge Gasteazoro  7:13 1 Dec 05 
Filtering enlarger light ? 
Philippe Bedfert  6:14 27 Nov 05 
Re: Filtering enlarger light ? 
Phil Davis  11:26 27 Nov 05 
SBR 10 times don't work 
Shannon Stoney  18:38 17 Nov 05 
Negative densities 
Steve nicholls  23:41 13 Nov 05 
Re: Negative densities 
Phil Davis  18:06 14 Nov 05 >> Forums home page
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