I've sent you an email. Happy to try to talk you through the ExpoDev. It is actually exceedingly simple -- when you know how. Contact me if you like.
[1] Create your paper and film data.
[2] Save an expoDev file -- ie Export the expoDev file. In this file you need to enter the Es you will be using as your paper speed setting. Depending on the enlarger and paper that can be anywhere from .0 to 1.5 or higher. This will determine the development time of the film based on the density range of the negative you are aiming for. A normal silvergelatin film for a grade 2 is about but not always an es of 1 - 1.1 depending on the enlarger lightsource and the brand of paper.
[3] You will be asked for a reciprocity value for your film. Now, depending on the film you may find the film/developer combo already in the list pre tested by Phil. I use the one for Efke and D76 and it is wonderfully accurate.
[4] Save the file with a name you will understand [max 20 characters] -- and in a place you can find.
[5] Minimise the Plotter program and find the EpoDev manager. This is a small utility that allows you to add and remove exported film data files from the actual Palm.
[6] Add your new exported ExpoDev file and click ok
[7] the next time the Palm is hot synced the new file will "magically" apear in the list of films available for you to use.
Hopefully if I have the sequence correct, I'm on my Linux machine and not able to see the software, that should get you started. |