Bill Waldron
Photography has attracted me since I was quite young. I remember
watching my father in his cobbled-up basement darkroom, working in that
eerie, reddish light and trying to explain to me what was wrong and what
was right about the prints I could barely see in the chemical trays, the
contents of which I swear I can still smell ! He was following in his
father's footsteps. Though I never knew my paternal grandfather, all
accounts described a man who could and did perform his own overhauls
of pneumatic shutters, who coated his own glass plates, and who passed
down a love of everything photographic.
I later learned how powerfully expressive the fine black and white image
could be, mostly by noticing images by Adams, Strand, Weston, and others
that had begun to appear everywhere, it seemed. I had little idea at the
time how much skill had gone into those fine prints. Enlightenment
followed slowly and painfully, with each failed attempt to come even
close to those images !
In the mid-70's, while lugging my gear into deep woods in southeastern
Ohio, a fellow photographer emerged and muttered, "I sure hope you know
the Zone System!" I not only didn't know it, I'd never heard of it. Thus
began about a decade of reading, laborious testing, and some improvement
in results. Though my average was getting better, the variation was
remarkable. For every success, it seemed, there was an equal and
opposite (and often spectacular) failure.
Quite by accident, browsing the bookshelf in a fine old photo shop (now
defunct) in the mid-80's , I came across Beyond the Zone System,
edition 1, by Phil Davis. On the back of an accompanying workbook
was a template for a device called the WonderWheel (which contained a
gray scale, slide, and dial that facilitated visualization and fast
derivation of exposure and development.) The book promised a method for
developing one's own WonderWheel based on personal test data, using the
spot meter as a density-measuring device. Better, I had only to expose
five sheets of film and five pieces of paper under enlarger light to
learn all I needed to know.
I now own all four editions of Beyond the Zone System, have had
the pleasure of participating in two of Phil's BTZS workshops, and use
the full arsenal of BTZS tools and techniques, all of which benefited
the work you see here immeasurably. I rarely use my spot meter these
days; BTZS incident metering is simply too easy, fast, and reliable.
Best of all, I am pleased to call Phil both mentor and friend.
I am hopeful that silver emulsion film and paper will remain available
even as digital products advance. Both, I hope, will find a place. For
me, I will always want to reconnect with those early memories by working
in the amber light.
This little show's for you, Dad.