One question I have is about the ISOs on the curves I got back. I had four kinds of paper tested--cyanotype on two papers, azo, and ilford--and only the film curves for ilford have ISOs assigned to them. How can I determine what the ISOs are for the other film curves for the other papers? For example, I would like to know what ISOs to use when shooting for cyanotype.
HEre's an example. If I"m looking at an SBR of 6 and planning to shoot for cyanotype, I know I'll have to develop that film for 16 minutes, based on my test. But if I were planning to print on Azo paper, it would be nine minutes. Now surely the shadow density will be affected by seven more minutes of development for the cyanotype. Therefore, shouldn't I use a higher ISO when shooting for cyanotype than when shooting for Azo, in order to underexpose the shadows a little? That's why I am skeptical about the recommendation I got back from the tester to use the same ISOs no matter what process I am shooting for.
--shannon |