 | Author |  |
 | Date |  |
Jorge Gasteazoro |
7:38 24 Jul 06 |
Miles |
19:42 17 Jul 06 |
I decided to recalibrate my setup because some over exposure creeped slowly into my system. In the process of determining my psrp using my spot meter (also the one I use 1/2of the time in the field) to determin the 4 ev exposure of the test films I discovered my meter had slowly but surely gone south (my film test was roughly 1 stop over exposed). using another meter I was quickly able to nail down my psrp at exactly 2.40 using D76 1+1 70deg BTZS tubes and Delta 100 film. However, when I look a the charts that were generated with this set of curves I noticed that in order to get "normal" development for SBR of 7 my processing time is approx. 4 mins and at 8mins processing time I would be @N+1. Does that seem ok for this combo of dev and film? or is the test to establish your psrp only good for setting up your lab for relative comparisions with other films and dev combos? |
Phil Davis |
16:52 19 Jul 06 |
Miles |
18:16 19 Jul 06 |
Phil Davis |
8:56 20 Jul 06 |
Miles |
12:56 20 Jul 06 |
Phil Davis |
17:03 20 Jul 06 |
Miles |
10:15 22 Jul 06 |
Phil Davis |
14:15 22 Jul 06 |
Miles |
20:24 30 Jul 06 |