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Messages 321 to 330 of 387 (Total: 387) First | Prev | Next | Last
Is there a relationship between N numbers and SBR? 
Jorge Gasteazoro  10:52 3 Mar 03 
Re: Is there a relationship between N numbers and SBR? 
Phil  17:56 3 Mar 03 
Re: Is there a relationship between N numbers and SBR? 
Jorge Gasteazoro  18:29 3 Mar 03 
flash and the btz system 
howard schwartz  9:03 2 Mar 03 
Re: flash and the btz system 
Phil  11:51 2 Mar 03 
BTZS Lite? Help! 
Phil  12:17 27 Feb 03 
Re: BTZS Lite? Help! 
Jorge Gasteazoro  20:49 27 Feb 03 
Re: BTZS Lite? Help! 
Phil  13:41 28 Feb 03 
Re: BTZS Lite? Help! 
Jorge Gasteazoro  15:16 1 Mar 03 
Re: BTZS Lite? Help! 
Robert S. Sfeir  13:55 30 Nov 03 

I think this question addresses the issues I've been having with my film paper combo. One one hand I like to do tests and see what the results are with various papers, match them and see what the outcome might be if I combine various papers and films. The problem, I think, is that unless I go to a workshop one of these days, I'm never going to thoroughly understand how to properly read all this information, and I find that a bit frustrating.

Having a BTZS lite would be wonderful because sometimes it's good to know that the 'system' works. That I can take a photograph with the film, choose a paper and go. What would help is a guide for us to look at the images we've printed, and look at possible descriptions of the images in the book, and based on that get an idea or suggestion on what to try next to achieve the results we want. I think you did a wonderful job of it in one of the D-Max issues.

I think that sometimes people using BTZS have a harder time metering and separating themselves from the (flawed?) principles of the Zone system. Perhaps the name Beyond the Zone System, using the words Zone System, are a hindrance, yet that is what attracted me to BTZS because I couldn't get ANY control over things while using the zone system.

I guess what I'm saying is, there should be an introduction to BTZS which doesn't involve the complexity of understanding testing at all. There should be something that proves to people that it works, something that lets me enjoy the experience of BTZS, it should however forewarn people that they will need to run film and paper tests to get the most accurate results for their development conditions.

hope I made some sense, sorry I jumped in so late... for all I know there could be a btzs lite that I didn't discover yet... but you know me... I'll throw my 2cents in given the chance.


P.S. To me BTZS is a way for me to accurately take and develop photographs without guessing. (So far I can get good negs, good prints, and just need to decide what I would like images to look like in the end... and that's not something BTZS can do for me, but it can help guide me to it) >> Forums home page
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