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Messages 311 to 320 of 387 (Total: 387) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: pyro 
Miles  12:39 12 Apr 03 
Re: pyro 
Sandy King  14:03 16 Jul 03 
Re: pyro 
phil sweeney  8:15 19 Jul 03 
pushing film 
howard schwartz  4:15 24 Mar 03 
Re: pushing film 
Phil  8:28 24 Mar 03 
meter setting 
howard schwartz  5:44 15 Mar 03 
What if I want to use a different set of Zones? 
Michael Mutmansky  12:14 10 Mar 03 
Re: What if I want to use a different set of Zones? 
Phil  19:07 10 Mar 03 
Larry Street  16:22 6 Mar 03 
Re: Digital? 
Phil  17:49 6 Mar 03 
Larry --

I remember well the few days you and Russ and I spent in my darkroom, and you may be interested to know that I'm still using the electronic chemical scale you two bought for me. I'm really pleased to hear that you're still an enthusiastic photographer, and especially pleased to know that you're still using the dear old PC-6 and that primitive program that has now evolved into the Palm Expo/Dev.

Yes, I've thought a lot about ways to apply BTZS principles to digital photography but have drawn a complete blank, so far. There are beguiling similarities between digital and silver imagery but also some definite differences that verge on incompatibility, at least as relates to sensitometry.

Yes, sadly, BTZS has been forced away from the Mac platform to the PCs. The present PC version of Plotter and Matcher is the old Mac PlotterPlus on steroids with a vastly refined interface. Unfortunately it appears that there isn't likely to be a comparable version for the Mac because we have to depend on the volunteer efforts of dedicated programmers to write these upgrades and such heroes are scarce.

I don't have any problem with digital photography, personally. It's pretty clearly the wave of the future for most applications and it's impossible to fault the image quality, especially in color. But I think there's still a place for silver photography, especially the large-format variety, because it's not entirely about just producing photographs. The groundglas image is still magical, as is the sight of an image gradually forming as a print develops. Large-format photography may be on the verge of obsolescence, technically speaking, but it's still a rewarding experience for many of us for reasons other than speed and convenience. Seems to me, if suffering is indeed good for the soul, using a view camera must have spiritual value.

Sure, I'd be delighted to correspond with you, either here or by private email. Email is simpler and more direct, but if you want discuss subjects of general photographic interest, it might be worthwhile to let forum lurkers in on the conversation.

Really good to hear from you again! Give my best regards to Russ. >> Forums home page
 Note: The forums are now in read-only mode Last Updated: 22 Aug 2002