Phil does not recommend the use of staining developers for BTZS for very good reason. Having said that, I and many other dedicated BTZS users like Sandy King have applied the methodology to staining developers with very good results. If you plan to use the BTZS with staining developers you will need a color densitometer and/or a densitometer that can read UV transmission depending on what is your final print process. If you plan to print on silver, readings with a color densitometer in the blue channel will give you a good result that mimics the response silver paper has to staining developers. If you plan to use alternative processes like pt/pd, Van Dyke, etc, then an UV densitometer is required to read the negatives since these printing processes respond to UV light only.
I beleive the VCS is equiped to read negatives for you in the blue channel if you want to go that way, otoh, if you frequent places like the Large format forum, there are many of us there who will gladly read the negatives for you is you do the necessary exposure and developing.
Good luck. |