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Messages 71 to 80 of 653 (Total: 653) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: Film testing 
Ben Wilbur  6:51 26 Jun 08 
Re: Film testing 
Kenn Gallisdorfer  8:20 26 Jun 08 
Re: Film testing 
Steve Nicholls  0:11 5 Jul 08 
Testing ES 
Steve Nicholls  6:21 22 Jun 08 
Hi all, I was looking at the Agfa paper I have and it has an ES of 1.35 for grade 2 under my enlarger [Devere 504] and I was wondering how others approach their testing.

[1] Do you test your film based on an ES of 1 in plotter and adjust later for the paper ES of 1.35 or whatever --


[2] Do you adjust you dilution to give you an appropriate SBR range based on the ES of 1.35.

If [1] and you get an SBR of lets say 10 ish for the 4 minute test film then when you apply the ES of 1.35 the 4 minute SBR will extend out to about 13 or more -- and -- when you add in a flare factor the SBR extends further.

or do you process your 4 minute test to give say an SBR of 8 so that when the ES of 1.35 is applied the 4 minute development time reflects a more realistic SBR of about 10?

I'm not sure what differences there would be in the two negatives -- any takers

Re: Testing ES 
Steve Nicholls  0:12 5 Jul 08 
New 400 T-Max Film 
Fred Newman  12:17 2 May 08 
Re: New 400 T-Max Film 
Jorge Gasteazoro.   14:20 3 May 08 
Re: New 400 T-Max Film 
Fred Newman  12:04 5 May 08 
Re: New 400 T-Max Film 
Jorge Gasteazoro.   20:40 5 May 08 
Re: New 400 T-Max Film 
Steve Sample  12:27 1 Jun 08 >> Forums home page
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