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Messages 71 to 80 of 215 (Total: 215) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: sharing plotter data online 
Jay DeFehr  23:05 9 Apr 06 
Time Tracker sticks to points 
David Eisenlord  11:57 5 Feb 06 
.1 above base fog or approximate CI ? 
Steve Nicholls  17:03 24 Jan 06 
There is possibly an explanation of this question on the forum but I've possibly entered the wrong search criteria.

I noticed in the plotter that selecting either the radio button for .1 or the approximate CI button the speeds of the curves will change. Often the 4 minute curve will render with a lower ISO, while the 16 minute curve will often have a higher ISO than the same curve for the approximate CI.

Which information does the plotter program use to export to the ExpoDev?

What visual differences are likely if the data for the ExpoDev is computed based on one or the other method?

Is one method more reliable than the other in practical field use and would I be likely to see any differences?

I will eventually export the data in two forms for the same film and shoot an identical scene for myself but in the meantime I'd be interested to hear if others have considered this point as well.

Re: .1 above base fog or approximate CI ? 
David Jade  11:11 25 Jan 06 
Re: .1 above base fog or approximate CI ? 
Phil Davis  9:28 26 Jan 06 
Re: .1 above base fog or approximate CI ? 
Steve Nicholls  16:47 26 Jan 06 
Re: .1 above base fog or approximate CI ? 
Sandy King  7:12 4 Mar 06 
Re: .1 above base fog or approximate CI ? 
Phil Davis  10:21 4 Mar 06 
Re: .1 above base fog or approximate CI ? 
Sandy King  10:39 4 Mar 06 
Reference Curve for Matcher.  
Jorge Gasteazoro  12:54 14 Jan 06 >> Forums home page
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