I'm getting setup to do testing at home and I'm curious about the meter reading for the light source. The book and the articles both say, put a white card on the baseboard and (using reflected mode) meter for EV 4 at ISO 100 for a 100 speed film (I guess it's EV 4 at whatever ISO you're testing). The question is, why not meter the light directly in incident mode? It seems like it should be more accurate since I'd be removing the reflectivity of the card as a variable.
When I've tried incident, I get a reading that's between 2 and 2.5 stops dimmer than spot metering the white card (which is what I expect given that the white card should be near the top of the 5 stop reflectivity range).
Any info Phil (or any one else, for that matter) can provide on why to meter reflected off white instead of incident would be greatly appreciated. |