I've started using ExpoDev for Palm for my Platinim palladium large format (8*10 inch) work. I have made film profiles for FP4+ using neat ID11 at 20oC (tray processing).
The advice I received from Fred Newman was that I could take the reciprocity values for the D76 1+1 curves in the Plotter programme and use them for the ID11.
So far that seems ok but I have been in the habit of using PQ print dev at 1+9 for 2 min 15sec to make my FP4+ negs and like the crispness of the final prints, the paper exposure scale (ES) being 1.90 and the film IS0 setting as 32, irrespective of SBR.
However, it is difficult to use Expodev fully as I do not know what reciprocity and dev compensation figures to use for the combination of FP4+ with PQ dev(C2, D3 etc). So I have been exporting data to ExpoDev without reciprocity figures. I reckon that if my exposures are less than 1 second I can use the ExpoDev exposure and dev time suggestions. Is that reasonable?
But for interior shots I am not sure how to proceed. e.g. if Expodev says I need a 6 sec exposure I would normally give 15 sec for reciprocity. What then do I do about the film dev time? Do I go with the Expodev suggestion which assumes no reciprocity compensation or will this negate the point of exposing for shadows and developing for highlights?
I'd be grateful for any help please.
many thanks
Bill |