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Messages 11 to 20 of 187 (Total: 187) First | Prev | Next | Last
Re: Alternative software 
David Jade  1:38 15 Oct 11 
Re: Alternative software 
Philippe Bachelier  6:26 15 Oct 11 
Re: Alternative software 
David Jade  9:32 15 Oct 11 
hotsync troubles 
Angelo  3:14 11 Sep 11 
Re: hotsync troubles 
Fred Newman  15:01 12 Sep 11 
Video Using Expo/Dev 
Fred Newman  14:16 30 Mar 11 
ES for Lodima paper? 
Steve Nicholls  15:13 9 Feb 11 
Re: ES for Lodima paper? 
Elliot  19:55 9 Feb 11 
Steve-I carried out BTZS testing on both grades of Lodima, and frankly, I was more confused then before. Previously, tests carried out-contact printing for me-with both both the new Adox VC and Ilford VC were as expected ( in Dektol ). Emaks Grade 2 in Dektol was spot on grade. However, I obtained very crazy results with the Lodima paper using Amidol. I discussed such tests with Michael, and he maintained ( as did a few others ) that paper testing with Azo papers and Amidol did not yield reliable tests as to grades. As you might know, the original testing done ( by Kodak ) with Azo papers were done with Dektol as the developer, not with Amidol. After my results, I simply followed Sandy King's recommendations and developed my negatives using PCHD to print with a paper of an ES of1.35 to 1.4. Actually, he was kind enough to share his BTZS charts with me ( for Tmax 400, TriX, and FP4 ) using PCHD at various dilutions. Once I had a visual reference from the Jobo using Sandy's BTZS curves, I tried to use the same reference when DBI...and so far, so good. I find that the negatives developed to an ES of 1.35-1.40 print well on a Grade 2, but even better on a Grade 3 Lodima. I have no really good explanation for my BTZS findings.

I can share the curves with you...however, in order to be completely unbiased, I wonder if you might run your own curves ( using Amidol? ) and arrive at your results independently. We can then share our results. Preview: The Grade 2 was fine, but the Grade 3 results made no sense.
Re: ES for Lodima paper? 
Steve Nicholls  4:20 10 Feb 11 
run palm software on iphone? 
shannon stoney  9:55 2 Feb 11 >> Forums home page
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